Travel Documents


Once the big decisions are made, like which resort you want to stay in and which parks you’re going to visit, I find that my clients start to get anxious about navigating the actual day-to-day of their trip.  This is completely understandable and my number one reason for booking your trip with me!


Whether you are traveling to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort or both – about two weeks before your trip I will send you a personalized folder with all of your travel documents.

The most important thing in this folder is the detailed, personalized daily itinerary I prepare for each of my clients.  This itinerary will include: park hours, show times, dining reservations, my suggestions for Genie+ selections and/or Individual Lightning Lane purchases, and which attractions I suggest riding first thing in the morning or later in the day.  I also include things like, how to get to where you’re going and what time I suggest you leave.

I prepare these itineraries specifically for each of my clients taking into account things like who is in your travel party, the age(s) of your child(ren) and any specific interests or “must-dos” we’ve discussed.

There’s lots of other great information in your folder, including…

theme park maps…

information about your resort…

details about any package inclusions…

a copy of your final itinerary from Disney…


general and park specific tip sheets…

a packing list…

information about Memory Maker…

and details about any special park happenings.

There’s always a little pixie dust in there too 😉

Questions?  Always feel free to reach out!

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